Easy to glue acoustic insulation panel for interior walls
In addition to thermal insulation solutions, Recticel Insulation also offers acoustic insulation to maximise comfort of the building's occupant. Recticel’s acoustic solutions are suitable for internal and neighbouring walls and provide you with a better, more peaceful living space.
Working at home, noisy neighbours, children playing music in their room... these are just a few things that make you think about the acoustic insulation of a house or apartment. During a renovation, it is therefore important to think about how you can acoustically insulate the house in addition to thermal insulation.
When we think of noise, and certainly in the case of nuisance, it can come from different sources. Depending on this problem, the materials and their intrinsic properties must be considered, as well as the structure and detailing as well as the implementation and placement. If the acoustic insulation is not installed correctly during renovation, this can be detrimental to the desired result.
In order to better understand the effect of sound in a construction, it is good to know that sound is a vibration that propagates in a certain matter (air, wall, floor…).
For example, a distinction is made between airborne and contact noise:
Sound can come from inside or outside a building. Recticel's acoustic interior wall insulation reduces airborne noise and can be used against a partition between two heated, non-humid spaces.
Easy to glue acoustic insulation panel for interior walls
Easy to install acoustic insulation panel for reduced airborne sound
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