Paul Simpson discusses sustainability with Fabrick for 'London Climate Action Week 2021'
Recticel Insulation's Commercial Director - Paul Simpson and Andy Gray from Fabrick discuss the topic of sustainability for London Climate Action Week 2021 as a part of Fabrick's Conversation Series.
About the article
Published on
15 July 2021 -

Paul participated to discuss Recticel's sustainability strategy.

As part of London Climate Action Week Fabrick has held a number of discussions with clients and industry colleagues about sustainability, circular economy, COP26 and a host of other issues and challenges. Paul participated to discuss Recticel's sustainability strategy, developed to respond to overriding challenges such as energy conservation, fuel poverty, the importance of fabric first, along with an ever aging and increasing population and the consequent implications of this for the construction industry.
When commenting on the series, Fabrick explained:
"We’re often told by clients that they engaged with us because they love our personalities, our passion for the industry and our expertise and knowledge. As a construction marketing specialist, we work with clients spanning multiple disciplines and learn about many great innovations, products, challenges, and more. We wanted to share some of this knowledge and industry insights so have interviewed some of our clients and industry colleagues to find out what their thoughts are on a number of key industry topics."
Innovation and Sustainability
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